Do you work assiduously in your life trying to discover precisely why you’re here, now? Do you understand what you’re supposed to discover why accomplish? I have seen three key ideas that might help you to discover your purpose and I’ll share them with you. Of course, when you discover more, I’d appreciate the same gifting.

I believe that life is meant to be abundant. I believe that it has inherently within it all that it takes to feed both our bodies as well as our souls. Each of us gets to decide what that abundance needs to look like, how it should feel, and how much is enough for us. One man’s abundance could be acreage in the country with a flowing brook; two changes of clothing; and rich ground to grow his own food. And this form of abundance might be anathema to someone who wants a life of bright lights; fancy clothing and cars; and a fast crowd of friends. I sit in judgment on no one’s choices. Each of us gets to choose and decide what our ideals are. What does abundance mean to you? It could be beneficial to write your ideas down.

Each of us has unique gifts. You may discover whynot think this is true, but I’d like to ask you to ponder stories that are told about you from your childhood. I know of a woman who, as a four year old, kicked and screamed about incorrect word usage in her family. She is now a writing coach. Her gift was unique and once she recognized it, she could use it to craft a career for herself. What are you naturally drawn to? What do you enjoy the most? What do you do effortlessly that others struggle with?

What did you get your highest grades in when you were in grade school? Is there some task that, when you do it, feel more like play than like work because you do it so well and so easily? Each one of us does have one unique talent, and that same talent can be the source of great abundance once you tap into your genius. I’d again recommend writing down all of the answers to the questions listed here. A pattern or an idea may begin to present itself to you.

You should feel comfortable and satisfied. Part of the “norm” of life is that we are meant to feel comfortable and to feel satisfied. I frequently hear my friends and colleagues talk about stories in their lives as well as reflecting on my own life where I can tell that our parents did not understand that feeling comfortable and satisfied was the norm.