If you’ve got an esports facility but haven’t the slightest clue on what games to offer, you’re in luck. The gaming world abounds with competitive esports grindy games . With hundreds hitting shelves and Steam catalogs yearly, choices aren’t hard to come by.

In short, you can choose any game on the market and still have a fair share of gamers. However, if you’re looking to take your customer traffic up a notch, choose the best competitive games that have set the competitive game scene on grinding games fire.

Look no further — we’ve come to bring you some of the most epic games in the competitive gaming circuit. So grab these esports titles to give your customers a competitive gaming experience they’ll keep coming back for!

The zombie apocalypse theme has long been an easily refillable premise for games. Throw in the element of environmental interaction and manipulation, and you’ve got one of the top games on our list — Fortnite.

In Fortnite, players battle hordes of zombies and zombie-like creatures as they wander across an expansive world. Also, players can interact with many environmental elements, using them to build forts as a refuge against zombies.