It wouldn’t be surprising if you didn’t know that after your venue booking cost, the most amount of money would be spent while hiring a charleston elopement. This is why it is imperative to cut down on your extra expenses so that you can save up for hiring some affordable wedding photographers in Maui. Here we are going to tell you how to do that and also how to plan your Maui wedding photography in such a manner that you can reduce your photography costs as much as possible without compromising on the quality of the charleston wedding photographers.

Get married in an off peak season and you will be surprised at how low the prices go for booking even the most exquisite of venues. Not sure what we are talking about? Well, spring and summer are usually some of the most popular seasons to get married in but it might be a good idea for you to choose autumn or winter to get the best locations at cheap prices provided you can manage to host the wedding and the reception at the same venue. Are you worried that the pictures wouldn’t seem as good enough in such seasons? Just search the internet for winter wedding inspirations and you will be surprised to see that those have a fairytale quality to it and are even better than the summer wedding pictures. Your Maui wedding photography just got kicked up a notch! Change the costlier flowers you had picked out for cheaper versions. For example, you can easily swap out the expensive peonies for roses in a lighter shade of pink.

Try to toss your bridal flower bouquet and cut the cake right after you get married and not during the reception so that the affordable wedding photographers in Maui can leave and you don’t have to bear the cost for paying the per hour rate. Avoid getting fooled by the caterers who would advise you to pay the catering cost on the basis of the drink that you are going to order. Instead, pay for the drinks on the basis of the number of guests that would be present at your wedding and reception. Don’t spend too much money on getting the silver ink and scalloped edges on your invitation cards as your guests would most likely never glance at it more than once. Pick an inexpensive design with a simple font. As long as it is classy, whether it is custom made or not shouldn’t matter.